GREENEZ- Strip and Clean
1.89 litres (.5 gallon)
No more harsh or caustic chemicals
GreenEZ Stip & Cleaner Furniture Stripper is a soy-based, low odour, environmentally, safe and user friendly stripping solution for quick and efficient removal of paints, varnishes and related coatings from wood surfaces with minimal gumming and stickiness.
An all-natural eco-friendly furniture Stripper and Cleaner (degreaser) that actually works!
How to use:
Apply with a brush to all exposed areas. Stripper should be applied in a thick even layer. Allow the material adequate time to penetrate and react with the coating. Best results are obtained with dwell times of 2-4 hours depending on the coating type and thickness. After the coating has softened sufficiently the loosened residue is best removed with a flat scraper. Reapply as needed. Once finished apply the GreenEZ Finishing Cleaner to prepare the surface for refinishing.